Self Defence

Our Most Popular Course For Businesses and employees

Self Defence

Our Most Popular Course For Businesses and employees

Courses - Self-Defence

Self Defence

Self-defence refers to the legal right and act of protecting oneself or others from harm or danger through the use of reasonable force. It is a fundamental principle that allows individuals to defend themselves when faced with an imminent threat of violence or bodily harm. The concept of self-defence varies, but generally, it involves using necessary and proportionate force to repel an attack or prevent harm. It is important to note that self-defence is typically justified when there is no reasonable alternative or opportunity to retreat safely.

Course Content

Our self-defence course is geared to everyone looking for ways and means to improve their everyday safety.


  • The Law.
  • Reasonable Force.
  • Misconceptions.
  • Health & Safety.
  • Case Studies.
  • Fight and Flight.
  • Pre-emption.
  • Arousal.
  • Motor-Learning & Performance and much more.
  • Self-defence strategies.

Course Content

Available as a half-day or full-day course.

Research & Evidence Based

Research has repeatedly proven that elevated heart rate reduces your cognitive processes and reaction time, plus having multiple reaction choices to a stimulus only adds to the inability to react.


You can also forget fine and complex motor-skill movement.  Add the physiological and psychological aspects present with the adrenaline dump (fight or flight) into the mix and let’s see how much you remember and which responses you prefer when you’re emotionally highjacked.  The answer is obvious.

Course Content

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Responses must be easy to learn.  Our self-defence course is research and evidence based using function over form, responses are easy to learn and easy to remember and execute under high levels of emotional arousal. 

How Much Force Can I Use?

Section 3 (1) Criminal Law Act 1967 states:


“A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large.”

Course Content

Our self-defence course is geared to everyone looking for ways and means to improve their everyday safety.  We cover the law, reasonable force, fight and flight, pre-emption, arousal, motor-learning and performance and much more.


Available as a half-day or full-day course.

Watch our video and read on below to get an idea of course content…

Content Includes

  • The Law.
  • Reasonable Force.
  • Misconceptions.
  • Health & Safety.
  • Case Studies.
  • Fight and Flight.
  • Pre-emption.
  • Arousal.
  • Motor-Learning & Performance and much more.
  • Self-defence strategies.

How Much Force Can I Use?

the law

Section 3 (1) Criminal Law Act 1967 states:


“A person may use such force as is reasonable in the circumstances in the prevention of crime, or in effecting or assisting in the lawful arrest of offenders or suspected offenders or of persons unlawfully at large.”

Research & Evidence Based

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Research has repeatedly proven that elevated heart rate reduces your cognitive processes and reaction time, plus having multiple reaction choices to a stimulus only adds to the inability to react.  You can also forget fine and complex motor-skill movement.  Add the physiological and psychological aspects present with the adrenaline dump (fight or flight) into the mix and let’s see how much you remember and which responses you prefer when you’re emotionally highjacked.  The answer is obvious.  Responses must be easy to learn.  Our self-defence course is research and evidence based using function over form, responses are easy to learn and easy to remember and execute under high levels of emotional arousal. 

Book A FREE Teams/Zoom meeting or phone call to discuss your needs and find out what we can offer your business and employees.


Our Most Popular Course For Businesses and employees

“The defensive use of physical force for the purpose of preventing an actual or imminent threat of unlawful violence against the person with the aim of creating a window of opportunity to escape the threat.”

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