Who We Are

Who are we?

Our Mission

“Empowerment through our expert self-defence training courses, instilling a mindset of awareness and preparedness.”


Our Courses

Our courses are:

  • legally defensible
  • risk assessed and
  • medically approved

They are ideally suited to offer as part of your in-house training or community safety and business resilience strategy, offering a unique training course tailored for your business needs.


It doesn’t matter who you are or what your business or job description is.


The legal right to defend yourself is the same for everyone.


Richard Lymer has been involved in self-defence since the mid-eighties.


He is:

  • a fully qualified self-defence instructor.
  • level 3 instructor, which is the highest standard in the industry to date.
  • ex-Armed Forces and has served around the world on duty.
  • level 7 qualification in Advanced Investigative Practices.
  • BSc (Hons) degree in Sport and Exercise Science.
  • DBS enhanced cleared.
  • first aid certified.
  • has professional indemnity and public liability insurance.

Meet Your Instructor

Richard Lymer has been involved in self-defence since the mid-eighties.


He is:

  • a fully qualified self-defence instructor.
  • level 3 instructor, which is the highest standard in the industry to date.
  • ex-Armed Forces and has served around the world on duty.
  • level 7 qualification in Advanced Investigative Practices.
  • BSc (Hons) degree in Sport and Exercise Science.
  • DBS enhanced cleared.
  • first aid certified.
  • has professional indemnity and public liability insurance.

"Our courses are geared towards everyone."

What sets him apart from other instructors?

“I do not teach classes, I do not teach martial arts, even though  I am a 6th Dan in Kukkiwon Taekwondo registered in South Korea and a qualified instructor, judge and referee with British Taekwondo.


Self-defence is a ‘legal term’.


Self-defence is not a combat sport.


Self-defence is not martial arts.


If you study combat sports or martial arts looking to defend yourself…legally…good luck.  The Lymer Self-Defence course is legally defensible, which means you are bang on in terms of what you can and cannot do.  I teach self-defence, simple, direct and pure.  I have been involved in self-defence since the mid-1980s.


The Lymer Personal Safety (PS) and Situational Awareness (SA) modules address the importance of not getting into a conflict situation in the first place and give you methods and strategies to foresee potentially serious situations from occurring.  Essentially, it’s all about avoidance and keeping safe, reducing the risk and likelihood of you (and your loved ones) from becoming a target to would be attackers.  This is where your PS and SA skill-set comes into play.  Physical use of force responses should be the last line of your (self) defence.  This is important to understand.


It’s function over form.  Without giving too much away, elevated heart rate reduces your cognitive processes and reaction time, plus, having multiple choices to a stimulus will only add to your inability to react.  You can also forget fine and complex motor-skill movement.  Add the physiological and psychological aspects present with the adrenaline dump (fight or flight) into the mix and let’s see how much you remember and which responses you prefer when you’re emotionally highjacked.  The answer is quite obvious.  That’s why what I teach is easy to learn, easy to remember and more importantly, easy to recall.


Amateurs talk technique, professionals talk strategy.


You will gain knowledge and an understanding how the mind and body responds to high levels of arousal/anxiety when faced with conflict.    Aspects covered include the law, reasonable force, fight or flight, pre-emption and motor-learning and performance, to name a few.  PS, SA and SD are not mutually exclusive or on a continuum.  They are dynamic and in constant flux…ever changing at a moments notice or with no notice at all.”

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Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver our legally defencible modules of self-defence and accompanying add-ons to businesses in London.  Whether that be private or public sector businesses and their employees.  It doesn’t matter who you are or what your job description is.


Our courses are designed for everyone, regards of age, size or socio-economic background.  The legal right to defend yourself is the same for everyone.

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