Lymer Self Defence


Empower Yourself With Expert Self-Defence Training


Self-defence is a ‘legal term’.


Self-defence is not a combat sport.


Self-defence is not martial arts.


If you study combat sports or martial arts looking to defend yourself…legally…good luck.  Our self-defence course is legally defensible, which means you are bang on in terms of what you can and cannot do. 


Lymer Self Defence – London offer courses and information on personal safety, situational awareness, conflict management and self-defence.  We provide these courses to both private and public sector businesses and employees.

Check out our introduction video...

Find out more below and if you have any questions, please feel free to book a call or contact us.


Self-defence is a ‘legal term’.


Self-defence is not a combat sport.


Self-defence is not martial arts.


If you study combat sports or martial arts looking to defend yourself…legally…good luck.  Our self-defence course is legally defensible, which means you are bang on in terms of what you can and cannot do. 


Lymer Self Defence – London offer courses and information on personal safety, situational awareness, conflict management and self-defence.  We provide these courses to both private and public sector businesses and employees.

Check out our introduction video...

Find out more below and if you have any questions, please feel free to book a call or contact us.

“Personal safety, situational awareness and conflict management skills should be the first line of defence in the prevention of use of force responses. By increasing your personal safety, situational awareness and conflict management skills, you will increase your confidence and self-esteem AND decrease the likelihood of becoming a victim and decrease the need to use self-defence responses in the first place.”


Richard Lymer


personal safety 3
situational awareness 1
preempt 1
theft and robbery
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Personal safety is defined as 'an individual's ability to go about their everyday life free from the threat of fear of psychological, emotional or physical harm from others...

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Situational awareness or situation awareness (SA) is the understanding of an environment, its elements and how it changes with respect to time or other factors...

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Conflict management is an umbrella term for the way we identify and handle conflicts fairly and efficiently. The goal is to minimise the potential negative impacts that can arise from disagreements...

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Self-defence refers to the legal right and act of protecting oneself or others from harm or danger through the use of reasonable force. It is a fundamental principle that allows individuals to defend themselves when faced with an imminent threat of violence or bodily harm...

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Stalking is generally defined as a pattern of behaviour targeted at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear or suffer substantial emotional distress,  Fear is central to the definition of stalking...

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Theft is defined by section 1 of the Theft Act 1968 as the dishonest appropriation of property belonging to another with the intention to permanently deprive the other of it.  The principal aim of theft is to acquire property...

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Did You Know

There were over 242,084 violent crime offences recorded by the Police in London in 2022/23 a slight decrease when compared with the previous reporting year. From a low of 186,488 violent crimes in 2015/16, violent crime has increased in almost every year, with the exception of the most recent year, and the 2020/21 reporting year.

Overall Offences Also Rising

The overall crime figures for London also show a trend of increasing crime in the UK capital, reaching 912.76 thousand crime offences by 2019/20. These include homicides and knife crime offences which both experienced a year-on-year increase in 2019/20.

Funds Rising Again

The amount budgeted for the Metropolitan Police by the Mayor of London for 2020/21 was 3.89 billion British pounds, the highest figure since 2012/13 when it was 3.62 billion. If this will be enough to reverse the trend of rising crime or continue increasing police officers numbers in London remains to be seen.

Teaching Women Self-Defence Is Still The Best Way To Reduce Sexual Assaults

A landmark research study (Violence Against Women 2014, Vol.20(3) 252-269) has proven that teaching women self-defence tactics reduces the risk of sexual assault.


The landmark research study, found that training which focuses on teaching women how to detect risk in situations that could lead to sexual assault and defend themselves when necessary, reduced the rate of rape among participants by nearly 50 per cent and are more confident in their ability to effectively resist assault than similar women who have not undergone training.


London Violent Crime Statistics 2023

Annual crime rate in London region is 29.9 crimes per annum per 1000 workday people as of October 2023. Compared to the national crime rate, London’s crime rate is at 84%. Violent crime makes up 22.7% of all crimes reported in the region. The total number of “violent crime” is 260k, and this number has increased by 1.5% when compared year-over-year in the period of October 2022 – September 2023.  Shoplifting crime was the fastest growing crime and it increased by 43.3% over the last twelve months.


Our Most Popular Course For Businesses and employees

“The defensive use of physical force for the purpose of preventing an actual or imminent threat of unlawful violence against the person with the aim of creating a window of opportunity to escape the threat.”

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